closer you
[Jul. 27, 2013 - you]

i want you to know, before
the love comes to our lips
before it wraps us in blankets
and beds, before--
you realize it's me who
suffered the death...

i know.

i know you're the one for me
i've known it looking off ledges
i've known it swimming across
black drenches--
i've known it while i've been
wrapped in the heat
of burning crystal oil--
torched across the battered streets
i've know it
while you've been asleep.

and i could kiss you on benches, stadiums, big tall-ceiling museums, and loud rock concerts at night--
over groove moves and bars,
clubs, and riverbends, ocean sides and sand,
coasters and forest trails
i could kiss you anywhere.

how i wish you would write me some words
to free me through the roads
of my own ashes, of my own burning blues
oh how i wish....
i could see you again.

x / o
