closer resolution
[Jan. 03, 2014 - resolution]

My new years resolution is to lose weight and treat food for what it is; means for survival. No more cookies or sweets of any sort. I long to be able to fit into my old close again, for my ass to squeeze back in and for my shirts to not show my belly. I was at a good weight last winter but I've gained a significant amount of lbs. I don't know whether to blame it on the med change or the hospital where I originally started gaining the weight or just the thoughtless way I eat, regardless, I'm done.

I'm gonna lose this weight. I have some concerns of weather I'll be able to follow the diet I set up at another blog, but mostly I am pretty motivated. By this coming summer, I want to be a good weight where my clothes fit again and I don't look bad in a bathing suit. I guess I just wanted to talk about it here to set it in stone. Now I'm working, working towards my goal and only God can stop me but I hope he doesn't....

x / o
