closer stuff i wrote last night
[Jul. 06, 2014 - stuff i wrote last night]

(it plays the music from ur head
and ur like wow would u listen
to that fucking music...)

You will dance the Rain
with me baby..

I've learned from my dreams
from my mistakes
and i even let them have it
shortcuts to where i would
have stepped next
cuz it's just how i am

and ONLY the TRUE FEW make it THRU

(when I look at u thru windows
it seems like the trees bend
towards the streets and the sun
and the bakery shops near by
and all the sudden
ur body
contents with my thoughts
and we become one revelation

and all the sudden
there's momey i wanna spend
and kids in the neighborhood are playing nice
and all the sudden
nyc city nights and drives town the pacific coast
whisper in my ear
"this is why your here")

...the way the streets supply the night

"this is why ur here")

and it's only cuz of the beauty
the fathomless bottomless beauty in ur eyes
that i even kissed u so hard
that night

ur hands studying the curves of my body
i wanted u to ravish me

..oh these starry eyes
and bees in our bellies
right baby?
and butterflies biting us

and we just know moment by moment
what we refused to be
years/months/days even moments ago
is now our least favorite memory

i love you


kind of

after lunch time sometimes
around work

x / o
