closer wrap up
[Jan. 21, 2013 - wrap up]

marijuana, coffee, cigarettes
i was mentioned somewhere as an eagle
with a shattered wing who will i be?
the guy in the wheel chair?
the one that can't speak?
the totally lonely?

it's not that i'm being cruel to God
i miss Him as a real compagnion
He's taken all my prowess anyway
He says it's not completely gone
I'm happy for any chance i get to be happy

i'm having a spiritual awakening
i told God I'd no longer give Him the finger and speak bad about Him
that was good news, of course, to me

where was i gonna go without seeing the mountains
the cruises, the man that comes along
and just the right time, and it doesn't take long to know because you both feel blessed by God

if God affected you, if God affected you
where would you have me be?
sometimes i'm allowed to breathe
and i marry that feeling with my own heart
which i don't know how good or bad it is
it makes me feel worthless tho

they say i have to love myself
i miss that

i dont know how to do it now

i ask for God's help and expect bam bam

it's been a long war
how do you do it for yourself?
i still haven't gotten clear
maybe i know it deep down inside
and have to shake all the laws

why don't you just tell me "no"???
i would do it for someone us; promise more understanding and laughter and many things that we can touch


29 i meant

x / o
