closer a place to go
[Jul. 13, 2014 - a place to go]

come down now babe
it was a gross day u had the nerve
to call me a crazy and a psycho
when i'm actually lazy and a typo

God's typo
so I got to ask for a next car
for a spot in the cheerleading try-outs
in highschool

even though i asked,
even though i asked
and ask and u shall receive
doesnt always come thru

so i knocked when i was able to talk
when u were able to see something in me
that made u wanna hold my hand
atleast for a little while
yes, some say i'm finally growing and maturing and others call me a "teenager still" like my parents...
and librarians

I need rent money
gotta move out
Lord find me a place to stay a place where i can afford the pay and have my little booboo with me? E

x / o
