closer Informer
[Jul. 30, 2014 - Informer]

You dont even know me, we keep screaming the rain
And our position is this: i'm crazy, ur stupid
But maybe not stupid enough to let this hit u in the face like a ceiling fan before u know it's good for you

Because I tried to make the rain stop crying
because I tried to make the rain stop crying

And they were all still wet
and Honor and Principle, we adored u
and u made us affirmations
of ur goodness
and creativity

I'm sorry, for all the ways I'm always wrong
For the things that I never get right
I'm sorry I'm just screwed up
from having to eat bugs, and sand,
and roaches, and pencils (at one point)
For Rob.

And they day somehow evaporated, I didn't wanna do much, just keep the peace
and I felt like saying "men, brothers"
"we have a common enemy"
"a common creator"

but no one understands me.
So i remain; deaf, dumb, and quiet.

x / o
