closer will you?
[Jan. 02, 2013 - will you?]

wow, "longs for her in his every being"
they threw the castle down
with the rest of the silver moon
they threw my record on

do you suppose we share this many kisses
i suppose we are a letter to the universe

you started wheeping diligently
it made the most sense to me in the world

and the beat played on
you know i'm not much for violence
war harms people
i say we never fight

i'm on the fence for you
no side seems like an option
they've loaded guns around me
i see a boat in the distance

but you're not feeling it
does that make me dive into the right lane side?

i say you make it easier for me
im draping from the fence like liquid steel
"nothing matters"

Did you want for something to matter?

a flaunted you a kiss

and timed out for a minute

the guns at my belt
i wanna protect them

............ circle all the stars for me

x / o
