closer hopeful
[Jan. 10, 2013 - hopeful]

how is it, should i ever go anywhere?
these chains saws cords knives and guns
are they coming too?

or does the heart beat more calmly?
i don't think i could take the option of death
i'm pretty sure my God is Jesus Christ
i've only heard good things
of glad things, approved things and the
righteous will have life
and i here news is coming this january
i couldn't be more excited for it

all the sudden i dont think i deserve to be happy
happy with him tho?
the rooms have become empty
because i don't go anywhere to meet new people
i smoke marijuana all day
and i'm an attrictive girl
probably could find anyone
but i want the special one right away
i didn't always
but now i've got nothing left to say
to anyone else

just throw a mic my way and i can hit it

x / o
