closer greene screen
[Aug. 10, 2014 - greene screen]

These imaginery lines of dimension
that keeps us seperately sanctioned
I got the cow-kinds acting
like Nini ?

How old were you when your
friend died, I was 12 when my sister
died, and it was really hard for me to go on, and not act or feel like a victim of some tragedy

I loved spending the night with you, whether I was fully encumbered with you, arms by arms through legs and feet, I really do mean it when I say I think ur handsome, i wish things would never
have to change like change in the bad sense, i don't like the crooked roads in this town, in my heart even

Be blessed
and i will find the peace
to give u what you need
and not ask for anything
except maybe that next time
we make pancakes together?

x / o
