closer you
[Feb. 09, 2015 - you]

I'm just an old stoner
Can't get him to have a boner
Wanna say my troubles ain't real
What trouble it is to feel

I may not have it all figured out
But I know before genesis..
there was a God.

Lucky to be born low
Where does it show
My pride?
When I barely feel
Like I deserve to fly?

It's not my thoughts I trust
It's just a cycle of pain
That I can't get from under

I fall asleep
That itself is a disease
I wake up as if from death
Dust out my nostrils

I wanted a way to share
You said u didn't care
If u do someday
I won't hold it against u

But I got tired
I'm wired
Like a moth
Devoured by fire

Long it felt long waiting so long

x / o
